!It was not a natural catastrophe

Everybody is talking about the “natural catastrophe” in South East Asia. Is it really natural? Or it is structural? When everybody know[1]s that the tsunami could kill much less if just they did warn the people before, it couldn’t be accounted as a simply natural disaster. Yes, it is structural.

We should not forget that it was the tourism industry behind the picture. The authorities who did not care on people’s lives when the industry might take a risk made the experts quiet about any warning. And the result is:

  • More than 100000 killed in more than 10 countries amongst the poorest in the world;
  • Some million more are injured and homeless;
  • A property of value of some billion is been destroyed which must be recovered by our works and expense.
  • And who knows about the psychological and other consequences…

It was a structural disaster indeed. It is capitalism with its focus on profit and income for tourism that ignored the warning from the meteorologists before some hour. It was a good fortune to save masses of lives even possibly all those lives that got lost.

And now they are going to help! However, we know all how it goes. The riches get the most again and the really guilty people try to get rid of the critics…

In every disaster it is the poor people who bear the biggest part of the suffering. That is quite enough to accuse this class society. However, this time it is much more clear that the system causes such a disaster for us all. Why should we hold this system?

[1] According: TheThailand’s newspaper, The Nation, 28 Dec 04 which is been quoted by many newspapers all around the world, among them Dagens Nyheter inStockholmSweden on the same day.